09年前后在小宇引荐下刷过但时年还未进入豆瓣15年刷KS却居然未标记这一部那时的我是一个多粗心多粗线条的青年啊参照本片角色David Mills影片堪称完美:人设专注、凝聚且韧性十足演绎周正又回味无穷以摩根为首的正面/阳面和以Kevin为首的反面/阴面展示出难以测数的域麻辣女兵百度影音简直是眼睛与大脑的双重极致享受;并且在这份前台呈现的后端导演展示了自己完美的节奏牵引和曲线控制不多一丝不落一毫冷静到无以复加的完整执行——33岁的芬奇在近似出道即巅峰的境遇下以其持续的成长能力发光超过二十年相比之下导出《中文 视频 VIDEO ONE》《香草美人演员表》这两部巅峰力作的时年30岁的盖里奇却掉速明显跌出大师行列若言山高必有对比方显气势盖里奇一座奇骏高耸的山巅啊
ok i know this is about fighting for the gay rights, but this show is fucked up! miss honey is into some ethnic trade, she likes them so much she had to adopt one (who's really bad at acting btw). and the other qween, who's been super insecure about her life for the past 15 yrs or so LITERALLY dropped dead at the end. miss honey didn't even drop a tear and then she's just decided to carry on with a nurse dude... i was like, girl this is just too many things! #badediting #baddrama